Puncture, Tyre and Bicycle- The best childhood story ever

Whenever we read the word “Puncture” the first and only thing comes in our mind is Tyre because Bicycles, Tyres and Punctures are best memories of our childhood. Bicycle is the first vehicle of every child  and the moment our parents give us our first two wheeler as a gift that gives the feeling as we are getting our own  car or  airplane. 


If I share you my experience i still remember it was like the evening when I got my first bicycle of Hero company I felt like i am the richest person among my friends just because…..I got a new bike and I had sleepless night because I was too excited to show my new bicycle to my school friends. Well, my bicycle gave me my best buddies, when  tyre used to get punctured the friend who walks with you to the cycle repair shop becomes your  good friend and the rest people who left you in that situation are not friends. To teach them a lesson, next day we, a good friend and I,  used to go to the school parking area and puncture their bicycle tyres.


To puncture neighbor’s car tyre and putting pins on road ways were fun in childhood and give the moments to remember today and smile.The moment of bliss.

We all had this kind of fun and the word puncture  always  remind me those sweet bonding , teamwork and fun of my childhood. 

#puncture #childhood #best_fun

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